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How Do Folks Respond To Your Marketing Efforts?

According to business guru Seth Godin, marketing efforts can be separated into two very different categories (https://seths.blog/2018/08/two-kinds-of-marketing/).


He divides marketing and advertising into those that inspire, delight and provide something we want – versus the kind that potential clients positively hate, such as interruptive popups, spam, high-pressure overtures, and overpriced hype.



Dare To Defy Convention

Who comes to mind when you think about marketing strategies that defied convention?


  • Steven Jobs with Apple
  • Certainly the Volkswagen print ads of the 60s
  • Old Spice “The man your man could smell like” TV commercials
  • Proctor & Gamble’s “Thank you, moms” Olympics video
  • Dos Equis “The world most interesting man” campaign
  • Dove’s print series for “Real beauty”



The Heartbreak Of Website Ennui

It’s listed on your business cards. Your url is out there. You put a lot of thought (and blood and emotion) into your website. It might even be nice looking and get a few hits. That is, as far as you know. Chances are good that you’ve sort of forgotten about that website in the – what’s it been now, two years? – (wait? Has it really been more than three years?) — since you launched it.